Monday, November 16, 2009

Why does my chestnut tree's leaves start turning brown and start falling off at the end of July?

I have two on my property. They are actually horse chestnuts. I was told by a friend that it would stop if I raked the leaves up as soon as they fell. I tried this tactic, but they still brown prematurely. It's kind of depressing because it makes it seem like summer's shorter than it really is. Any tree experts out there? I'd appreciate any input/advice.

Why does my chestnut tree's leaves start turning brown and start falling off at the end of July?
What your friend has described is the cultural prevention for leaf blotch, a common fungal infection of Horsechestnut trees. Raking the fallen leaves removes the inoculum (fungal spores) from the area and helps to minimize the chance of infection NEXT spring. It will not stop the disease this year. Leaf blotch is primarily an aesthetic problem. It does not threaten the life of the tree. You can also spray fungicides as leaves emerge to prevent leaf blotch. Here is a good article with pictures of leaf blotch.

If these pics do not match your tree's symptoms then your tree may have leaf scorch. Leaf scorch is characterized by leaves browning on the margins from the outside in. Leaf scorch can also result in premature leaf drop. This is caused by dry soils. Periodical supplemental watering can prevent leaf scorch in the future.
Reply:that was stupid of your friend
Reply:I am not a tree expert, but usually the leaves start drying up on the tree, when the tree isn't getting enough water. It's August. It's Hot. The Tree's are BIG. Water them. Water them a LOT. I don't know if it will help the tree this year, since the leaves are already drying up, but next year, water your trees, and they should last longer.
Reply:They certailny sound stressed. Maybe not enough water of a infection.. .. Where do you live.. is it hot and dry??? Do you see any signs of fungus or infection... What about the leaves.. are they just brown or is there any marking on them??? Sorry to answer a question with a question.. but its necessary to determine the problem.

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